
Assessment at Queensmill College is as comprehensive as it is personalized for each student.

We follow the same format as the main school and this is overseen by our Trust Assessment Coordinator. The College, as part of the Queensmill Trust, employs an extensive and robust assessment package designed to document student progress in a number of areas. This is summarized in the table below. For further information please click on the assessment document link.

Type of assessment What it assesses
Annual Review Teacher’s Report Annual progress with curriculum learning and Autism
Education Health Care Plans (EHCP) Achievement against long-term outcomes
Moderation samples Progress towards short-term (termly) targets and teacher judgements of progress
Emotion Regulation Support Plans (ERSP) Risk factors, signs of dysregulation and transactional supports used to support student recovery
Pen Portraits Essential student information
ASDAN Preparation for adult life
Employability Skills

Assessment Policy