Project SEARCH is a nine-month internship program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

It is targeted for individuals whose goal is competitive employment. The program takes place in a healthcare, government or business setting where total immersion in the workplace facilitates the teaching and learning process as well as the acquisition of employability and marketable work skills. Interns participate in three internships to explore a variety of career paths. The interns work with a team that includes their family, an instructor, and local and state agencies to create an employment goal.

BENEFITS of the Project SEARCH Model:

Benefits to the Students:

• Participate in a variety of internships within the host hospital/business

• Acquire competitive, transferable and marketable job skills

• Gain increased independence, confidence, and self esteem

• Obtain work based individualized coaching, instruction and feedback

• Develop linkages to Vocational Rehabilitation and other adult service agencies

Benefits to the Business:

• Access to a new, diverse, talent stream with skills that match labor needs

• Interns and employees with disabilities who serve as role models for customers

• Access to a demographic of the economy with intense buying power: people with disabilities represent one of the fastest growing market segments in the United States

• Increased regional and national recognition through marketing of this unique program

• Increased performance and retention in high-turnover, entry-level positions